
Shelf-life 24 months at 5-37 °C • Portable and compact • Blood grouping on location • Result after just 2 minutes • Easy to learn, easy to use • No need for refrigeration and daily controls • Whole blood can be used down to 5 μl • No need for separation of red cells and blood plasma

The AFRICARhE Project takes off in Tanzania

Eldon Biologicals was privileged to participate in the stakeholder meeting launching the AFRICARhE project in Tanzania. The AFRICARhE project is a three-country initiative launched by Sanquin and LUMC, the Netherlands, in collaboration with Haramaya University, Harar, Ethiopia, Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Blantyre, Malawi, and Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre, Moshi, Tanzania. The project will, among other […]

Reducing Maternal Mortality in Kenya

Eldon Biologicals is proud to join a new ambitious partnership that seeks to end Post Partum Hemorrhage (PPH) in Kenya. The PPH Project is dedicated to tackling the global issue of postpartum hemorrhage, a leading cause of maternal mortality and morbidity. Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) occurs when a woman experiences excessive bleeding after childbirth, posing significant […]

The WHO lists the EldonCard as an Innovative Technology

In the “WHO Compendium of Innovative Health Technologies for Low-resource Settings” the WHO has listed the EldonCard. The EldonCard is listed in the 2024 version as one of the new technologies most appropriate for interventions in low-resource settings. The EldonCard is mentioned on pages 28-30. You can find the full report on: WHO compendium of […]

The AFRICARhE Project takes off in Ethiopia

Eldon Biologicals was privileged to participate in the stakeholder meeting launching the AFRICARhE project in Ethiopia. The AFRICARhE project is a three-country initiative launched by Sanquin and LUMC, the Netherlands, in collaboration with Haramaya University, Harar, Ethiopia, Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Blantyre, Malawi, and Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre, Moshi, Tanzania. The project will, among other […]

Eldon Biologicals Offsets its CO2 Emissions

Eldon Biologicals has joined the GreenProfit initiative EatCO2, which aims to offset CO2 emissions in the medical industry. In 2023, we have offset a total of 250,000 kilograms CO2, which have resulted in the planting of 2500 trees. All the carbon credits come from an agricultural practice called “agroforestry”. “Agroforestry” is a technique whereby local […]

Presenting the Walking Blood Bank at the Parliament

The project “the Walking Blood Bank” seeks to address two interrelated goals. The first is the lack of donor blood in Ukraine, which the project seeks to alleviate by registering new donors through outreach activities that include registration and a free blood type tests performed on an EldonCard. The second is the number of amputations […]

Find us in Latin America

Eldon Biologicals is now present on the website “Health Solutions DK”, which is developed by the Trade Council of Denmark in Latin America. The website is in Spanish and Portuguese, and you can find it here: Eldon Biologicals – Health Solutions DK
