Shelf-life 24 months at 5-37 °C • Portable and compact • Blood grouping on location • Result after just 2 minutes • Easy to learn, easy to use • No need for refrigeration and daily controls • Whole blood can be used down to 5 μl • No need for separation of red cells and blood plasma

Ambitious Initiative to commence in three African Countries

The joint research initiative “AFRICARhE – African Initiative for Rhesus Eradication” is soon to commence in the three African countries: Ethiopia, Malawi and Tanzania. AFRICARhE is a partnership involving LUMC and Sanquin from Holland, Haramaya University and Hiwot Fana Specialized University Hospital from Ethiopia, Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Malawi, and Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre, Tanzania.

The AFRICARhE initiative is a scientific study that aims to create a solid foundation for the design, implementation, or further improvement of nationwide screening and prevention programs for Rhesus disease/hemolytic disease of the fetus and the newborn (HDFN).

The expected outcomes of the project include:

  • Scientific data on the HDFN disease burden in Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Malawi
  • True statistics on the RhD prevalence and immunization rate
  • Efficacy of Rhlg prophylaxis – both monoclonal and polyclonal
  • Information on logistical and architectural factors.

The scientific results will be combined with the efforts of WIRhE to set up sustainable programs for the prevention of Rh disease.

Project activities will include blood type testing of 10,000 pregnant women in each of the three participating countries and Eldon Biologicals will deliver the ABO and Rhesus blood typing tests.
