EldonCards for abo-and RhD blood grouping

Shelf-life 24 months at 5-37 °C • Portable and compact • Blood grouping on location • Result after just 2 minutes • Easy to learn, easy to use • No need for refrigeration and daily controls • Whole blood can be used down to 5 μl • No need for separation of red cells and blood plasma

About Eldon

ELDON BIOLOGICALS A/S is a Danish manufacturer of dry format cards for blood grouping. Based on an invention by the Danish physician Knud Eldon, EldonCards have been manufactured and used for more than 40 years.

Over time millions of cards have been utilised to establish individuals’ blood group within the AB0-Rhesus (D) system and to ensure compatibility of patient/donor blood. Today, EldonCards are based on the use of special formulations of selected monoclonal antibodies.

The EldonCard is a product of the highest quality. It is ISO certified, CE marked in the EU, cleared by the US FDA *), and registered with the relevant authorities in a range of other countries. The EldonCard is made of a special type of plastic upon which dried antibody formulations are placed. The EldonCard is a reliable, durable, and flexible point-of-care blood typing system.

The EldonCard is extremely safe to use. It is very accurate and using the card eliminates many of the possible human errors associated with the traditional laboratory-based methodologies, where blood type testing is done with liquid reagents on a glass plate. It also leaves a permanent record – the EldonCard – which can either be included in a patient journal or it can be given to the patient for safekeeping.

The blood is drawn by using a single-use safety lancet, which prevents accidental piercing by anyone picking up the lancet after it has been used for blood typing.

The EldonCard is extremely accurate. It has been tested against the standard blood typing procedure using directly agglutinating antibodies. Tests have been performed at several laboratories in different countries and the result is that there is a 99.9 percent concordance between the results achieved by the EldonCard and a test using a well-executed standard blood typing procedure.

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Eat right
for your type

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Why knowing your blood type matters

Knowing your blood type can help you understand your health better; it is also needed for blood donations and important for safe pregnancies.

You can learn your blood type in just a couple of minutes using the EldonCard™. Read more below.

Know your blood type

– EldonCard™

Knowing your blood type can help you understand your health better; it is also needed for blood donations and important for safe pregnancies. Most critically, it could save your life if you need an emergency blood transfusion. You can learn your blood type in just a couple of minutes using the EldonCard™.

Some blood types are linked to higher risk of certain medical conditions: Type AB, A and B are at higher risk of developing cardiovascular complications such as heart disease.

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Home blood type
testing kit | EldonCard

Do you want to know your own or a family member’s blood type? EldonCards are a home blood type test that reveals your blood type within just a few minutes.

The Eldon Blood Type Test contains the EldonCard on which there are four circles with antibody reagents. These antibodies will agglutinate with the corresponding antigens, if you have the antigens in your blood.

When you have dropped your blood on the four circles, some of them will start agglutinating and in the guide which comes with the Eldon Blood Type Test you can see which blood type you have according to which antibody fields react.



*US Market intended use:

Intended use of Eldon Home & School Kits in the USA: Manual self-test kit for detection of the presence or absence of antigens A, B and RhD. Not for use for screening purposes prior to transfusion, and not for a final check prior to transfusion. For informational and educational use only.

Intended use of EldonCards and kits for professional use in USA: For in-vitro diagnostic use by professionals. Manual test for detection of the presence or absence of antigens A, B and RhD on erythrocytes. Not for use for screening purposes prior to transfusion, and not for a final check prior to transfusion.